Just The Facts On Whey Protein Powder

What are the health benefits of whey protein powder?

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: A reduced calorie, higher protein diet including whey protein may improve the quality of weight loss by helping you lose more fat and/or maintain more lean muscle.
  • Curb Hunger: Calorie for calorie, whey protein can help people feel fuller longer than carbohydrates or fats.
  • Get Lean: Consuming whey protein and performing resistance exercise regularly can help build more lean muscle than resistance training alone or resistance training combined with carbohydrate consumption.
  • Enhance Exercise Recovery: Consuming whey protein after exercise helps to build and repair muscle.
  • Reduce Muscle Loss with Aging: Emerging research shows older Americans may be able to reduce the age-related decline of muscle mass by engaging in resistance training and consuming higher than the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein.
    *Information provided by the National Dairy Council

7 Essentials To Look For In Your Whey Protein Powder

1. Grass Fed: All-natural, pasture-fed cows’ whey, not pesticide-treated, grain-fed cows’ whey. Compared to grain-fed cows, pasture-fed cows produce whey that is nutritionally superior to grain fed. It contains an impressive amino acid and immuno-supportive nutrient profile; is rich in healthy fats-lipoic acid and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid); and grass-fed cows are good source of protein.
2. GMO-Free: Choose whey made without Genetically Modified Organisms.
3. Raw: Look for raw or cold-processed. Cold processed whey protects the nutrients in their natural state.
4. Acid-free Processing: Acid / Ion Exchange Processing is cheaper than acid-free processing, but it denatures the amino acid profiles by using acids and chemicals to separate the whey from the fats.
5. Concentrate Over Isolate: Protein isolates are proteins stripped away from their nutritional cofactors. Your body cannot assimilate proteins in isolated form as efficiently as concentrates; isolates are deficient in key amino acids and nutritional cofactors; though isolates are still good, concentrates are optimal.
6. Naturally Sweetened, Over Artificially Sweetened: Your whey should be low glycemic. Natural sweeteners are preferred; such as stevia & monk fruit.
7. Free From Heavy Metals: Many protein powders, both whey and non-whey, could contain dangerous levels of heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. A Consumer Reports’ evaluation showed some leading brands of protein powders exceeded United States Pharmacopoeia’s (USP) recommended safety limits for certain heavy metals. You want to avoid these products at all costs because any high concentration of heavy metals taken over time could lead to serious health consequences.