How to Manage Your Headaches

Managing headaches Stucky Chiropractic

When you think of headache relief options, a chiropractic intervention may not something that immediately comes to mind.

The solution that people usually resort to is medication — aspirin or another type of pain relief drug. What people usually don’t understand is that while medication does treat the symptoms of the headache, the actual cause is not addressed. This is why your headaches might keep coming back over and over again.

If you are suffering from chronic headaches, a chiropractor will help you focus on the cause of the headaches allowing you to find a more long-term solution for your problem. A lot of the time, headaches are caused by neck stiffness and tension in your shoulders. This can be a product of sitting too much, at work or at home, and not getting enough physical activity.


Headache Treatment Clinic for Your Chronic Headache Issue

There are several different types of headaches that a chiropractor can help you with. Take a look at the two most common ones:


Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are considered the most common headache. They appear in the form of a dull pain either located in one spot or radiating around the head, feeling like very uncomfortable pressure. Each session can last from an hour up to several days. However, if you have an issue with chronic tension headaches, you might experience them for months at a time. Generally speaking, tension headaches can be caused by stiff muscles in the neck, back and shoulders — either you have trouble with really bad posture or your muscles are overworked due to injury or stress. If you are having a serious tension headache problem, don’t wait too long to contact a chiropractor for more information.



Not sure if you’re having a migraine or a tension headache? Many people who have migraines can experience pain their entire adult lives, with recurring episodes every few months. However, not many people seek a chiropractor’s assistance to treat their chronic migraine issue. By treating the two upper cervical vertebrae, a chiropractor could make a lasting change to a person’s migraine problem. However, not all migraines are the same — contact a chiropractor to discuss whether you might be eligible for this type of treatment.


The Benefits of Having a Chiropractor Implement Headache Relief Techniques

If you’ve never visited a chiropractor, you might not know what their techniques consist of.

A chiropractor will use a range of strategies to relax your muscles and make adjustments to your spine, and unlike taking a pill, these techniques are more long-term in nature. Focusing on trigger points and manipulating your spine back into line, can help prevent the cause of your headaches. If you are taking pills on a daily basis because of chronic headache problems, consider trying an option that will help you avoid potential kidney and liver damage that can result from the consistent use of painkillers.


Here are some additional tips that might help you avoid neck and shoulder stiffness, the prime cause of chronic headaches:

  • If you spend a lot of time sitting down at work, make sure you get up and stretch after every 30-60 minutes. Move your head in a side-to-side and front-to-back position a few times throughout the day.
  • Start an exercise routine. Exercise can help with headache relief
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Dehydration is a common cause of headaches, especially during the summer.
  • Be conscious of your posture — having bad posture can also be a leading cause of neck and shoulder tension.
  • Eliminate processed sugar from your diet. Believe it or not, excess sugar in your diet can cause chronic headaches.

Contact us today to set an appointment. We’d like to see you and discover if we can help relieve your headache pain.